The Sharif Bros
Android Game

In "The Sharif Bros" game, you play as Shahbaz Sharif, and collect all the items thrown by Nawaz Sharif from Adiala jail.
Look out for Maryam Nawaz as well, as she will try to help you. But be careful, as Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan has his eyes on both and he will try to stop you. Survive as long as you can to get the highest score.
My Role:
Lead Programmer.

Voting Simulator
Pakistan Elections 2018

This is an Abbtakk News Collaboration. Be among the thousands of virtual voters! In Voting Simulator for Pakistan Elections 2018, you can vote for your favorite politician. And see the results and reactions of the virtual politicians, and you can see who is at the top.
My Role:
Lead Programmer.

Devil's Whispers
Final Year Project

Devil's Whisper is an immersive horror survival game for Oculus Rift VR, sponsored by Gul Ahmed (Ideas for better Pakistan).
The main plot of the game is that the player enters the university & get’s stuck in it. Strange events happen and strange creatures try to get him the player has to survive using his senses.
My Role:
Lead Programmer/Animator/Level Designer.

KIA Sportage AR
Car Showcase

An Augmented Reality experience showcasing the KIA Sportage car in 3D, in an interactive way. The user can interact with the car to perform certain actions. Also, have the ability to select from a variety of different customization options to view in realtime. For example change the car's color in realtime etc.
My Role:
Lead Programmer/Designer.

Realme Mobile
AR Showcase

Showcasing a Realme 2 Pro smartphone and it's features in a new and interactive way using Augmented Reality! The users can view the product augmented in their real surroundings and also can interact with it to view it's features.
My Role:
Lead Programmer/Designer.

business card
Android App

A company which I co-Founded, as the Developement Director I along with my partners decided to make our business card unique from every other regular cards by uing Agumented Reality.
All the Nessassiry information of our company could be viewed by this card and the AR applicaiton.
My Role:

Virtual Event Platform
Social App

VEP is an industry agnostic solution, which allows event organizers and exhibitors to harness the power of VR and gamification to create interactive, online events that eliminate the need for common logistical and travel-related expenses. The VEP brings people together regardless of their location in a virtual environment.
My Role:
Programmer/3d modeling.

Ghost Work
Android Game

Ghosts have their work to do you know. What work you ask? Scare people ofcourse! Play as a ghost. Go around the various environments to scare people. As you progress you will seee that people are getting smarter and finding more ways to avid the scary ghost. You must act with care, scare away!
My Role:
Sole Developer.

Dragon Game

A Dragon game where the player can controll a dragon, move it around in space or land and have the option to either bite, claw or burn its foes with fire.
Always wanted to have the ability to controll such Creature but unfortunately did not fine and good game that had such mechanic, so decided to make it myself.
My Role:

My Design Portfolio

As well as programming, I also have skills in modeling and animation.
My full Design catalogue can be seen on ArtStation.

Awards & Achievements

The accomplishments gained over the years.

Microsoft's Imagin Cup 2018
We competed with our game Devils whisper and won the regional finals and were called to showcase our Project in Islamabad
Hamdard university HUPEC
Our Project Devils whisper got first price and was awardedthe title as the best entertaining and innovative project of the event.
We competed with our game Devils whisper VR and won first price, Competition was organized by Zia -Uddin university of Engineering and Science.
We were invited to showcase our project to NED university as our project had gained some traction.
We were invited as motivational speakers to our unity to encourage the upcoming youth.
And give them counsel as well as telling them the importance of their final year projects.
We got the first position for our Final year project and where invited for multiple events as motivational speakers throught out the last few weeks. Evantualy scoring the highest marks in our batch.